Safe Ministry Training: Our Commitment

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safe ministry 1safe ministry 1The Anglican Diocese of Armidale affirms that all people have the right to be spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically safe.

The Bible identifies classes of vulnerable people who are to be protected and given special care and treatment in society because of their powerlessness such as the poor, widows, orphans and aliens. As His people Christians are called to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly before Him (Micah 6:8).

The Anglican Church in Australia has made a commitment to keeping all people safe through the passing of canons and/or model ordinances relating to professional standards which have been adopted by our Diocesan Synod. Further to this, our parishes and special districts operate under the Parish Structures Ordinance 1979-2000 which seeks to govern the safe and respectful conduct of ministry at the local level.

We also live in a country that legislates for people’s safety, including legislation and regulations for the safety of children and vulnerable adults. Our Safe Ministry policy takes into consideration relevant legislation and regulations such as, but not limited to, the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, the New South Wales Crimes Act 1900, the New South Wales Child and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 and the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012.

The Diocese’s policies aim to:

  • ensure that leaders and programs are safe;
  • ensure that all people are respected and valued;
  • minimise the risk of abuse, ministry misconduct and the misuse of positional power having leaders and programs appropriately vetted; and
  • ensure that all cases of suspected abuse, ministry misconduct and grievances are handled in a fair and just manner.

At OVACC, we have been conducting our Safe ministry training using the material provided by Youth Works.  If you have any questions please request a contact to our Safe Ministry Officer via the contact us form on the home page.